What is the impact of yeast in bread?

Beyond its leavening effect, yeast naturally produces aromatic compounds and flavour precursors from the ingredients used in bread. Whether for bread, wine or beer, yeast plays a role in the final taste and aroma of end products. For bread, taste and aroma are influenced by the ingredients, process and yeast […]

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Can we make bread without yeast?

No, without yeast, the fermentation process cannot happen.  Therefore, it is impossible to make bread without yeast. Even sourdough bread contains yeast as a starter and features a mixture of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. […]

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Why do we use yeast in bread?

Without yeast, there is no bread. It is essential in the fermentation process of bread. Yeast provides the soft, delicate taste and fresh smell typical of wheat bread. It not only provides the distinctive flavour and aroma of bread, but also contributes to its nutritional value.  During the proofing and baking […]

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Which products contain yeast?

Yeast is everywhere. Basically, anywhere there is a carbohydrate (sugar) source, you will probably find yeast. It was discovered by pre-Neolithic populations and therefore, yeast can be considered as man’s oldest domesticated microorganism. Today, it is well known that yeast is a key ingredient of bread and bakery foods. But […]

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What is yeast?

Yeast is a microscopic living organism. It is a complex eucaryotic cell, belonging to the taxonomic class of “fungi”. […]

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