Why do we need yeast?

Yeast causes fermentation. First, fermentation is a key process in human food, enabling the softening of food and making it more digestible and tastier by providing specific and well-known aromas to baked goods. Yeast gives the soft, delicate taste and fresh smell so typical of wheat bread. It also contributes […]

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La levure convient-elle aux régimes halal et casher ?

Oui, la levure convient aux régimes halal et casher tant que le processus de fabrication est certifié halal et/ou casher. La levure n’est pas d’origine animale. Il incombe donc au producteur de fournir sur demande les certificats de processus de production appropriés. […]

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Qu’est-ce que la fermentation ?

La fermentation a été définie par Louis Pasteur au 19ème siècle comme un processus métabolique au cours duquel les sucres sont transformés en dioxyde de carbone et en alcool. […]

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Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de levure ?

La levure est à la base de la fermentation : Tout d’abord, la fermentation est un processus clé dans l’alimentation humaine, qui permet d’adoucir les aliments, de les rendre plus digestes et plus savoureux en apportant des arômes spécifiques et bien connus aux produits de boulangerie. La levure donne par exemple […]

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Quels sont les produits qui contiennent de la levure ?

La levure est omniprésente. Partout où se trouve une source d’hydrates de carbone (sucre), vous trouverez probablement de la levure. Elle a été découverte par les populations prénéolithiques, et la levure peut donc être considérée comme le plus ancien micro-organisme domestiqué par l’homme. Aujourd’hui, il est bien connu que la […]

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Qu’est-ce que la levure ?

La levure est un organisme vivant microscopique. Il s’agit d’une cellule eucaryote complexe, appartenant à la classe taxonomique des “champignons”. […]

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Is it recommended to take yeast supplements?

Yeast can be found in all kinds of dietary supplements as a source of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals and vitamins. A healthy, balanced and varied food should provide a normal body all it needs to function properly. However, some people might have specific needs and should address their doctor to […]

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Is yeast suitable for vegetarians & vegans?

Yeast belongs to the classification of fungi and is therefore suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The production process of fresh yeast does not involve any animal product. In fact, yeast is very popular with vegetarians and vegans because it is a great source of protein, containing up to 45-55% of […]

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Is yeast a probiotic?

Probiotics are defined by the FAO/WHO as “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”. So far there are only two strains of yeast documented as probiotic: Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii, which is used as an anti-diarrheal treatment and a specific strain of Saccharomyces […]

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Does yeast contain vitamins?

Yes.  Baker’s yeast contains a variety of vitamins, mainly from the B-group type. However, baking reduces the bioavailability of vitamins and amino acids, depending on the length and intensity of the process. The shorter the baking process and the less heat-intense, the higher the survival rate of the vitamins. Having […]

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Does yeast fermentation have an impact on acrylamide formation?

Acrylamide is a proven carcinogen that is formed during the cooking of starchy foods at high temperatures. Yeast fermentation reduces asparagine, a precursor of acrylamide, by using it for its metabolic activities. A study has shown a correlation between longer yeast fermentation of dough and the reduction of asparagine(1). (1) […]

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