This competition, which highlights responsible communication practices between elected officials and interest groups, was a great opportunity for COFALEC to entrust teams of students from 5 schools (EFAP, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Sciences Po Grenoble, Paris Dauphine and College of Europe) with the mission of developing an influence strategy to promote the fermentation and yeast sector in France and in the European Union.
The challenge for the students was to give these sectors, with many assets but often unknown to political decision-makers, the political and economic weight they deserve in light of current environmental and societal issues. The objective was to position the fermentation industry as an essential tool in the transition to carbon neutrality and the green economy.

The entire COFALEC team would like to warmly thank all the students who have invested so much time in their work and congratulate in particular the brilliant female team from EFAP represented by Martha PEIGNEY, Alice ROMMELARD and Laurine CHEVILLARD who won 2nd place in this competition!
The prize-giving ceremony, which took place on 30 June at the Maison de la Recherche in Paris, was an opportunity for COFALEC and the winning students to share great pride. They were able to present the results of their work with conviction and brilliance and convince Mr Sylvain Waserman, Member of French Parliament for the Bas Rhin and sponsor of this edition of the strategic importance of this sector! COFALEC is grateful to Spin Partners for the organisation of this event and to the different schools for their strong mobilisation.